Sunday, February 23, 2020

Captain History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Captain History - Essay Example For instance, the Romantic exaltation induced the concept of ‘identity’ among the Europeans while enabling them to distinguish themselves on the basis of religion, culture, language and traditions. Hence the country’s interests were put below the national interest primarily guarded by a particular group residing in the society (Nationalism). This was a very significant event in the prehistoric era as it is now considered the major cause of World War I. Moreover, before the inducement of nationalism the governments were made and sustained on the basis of sovereignty of God, imperial domination or in relation to a specific dynasty. These governments were more successful in terms of prevailing justice among their people. However, once the European population became aware of the nationalism and stated practicing it, thereafter the liberalism took over them. Liberalism removed the domination of religions from government formations and law enforcement agencies while ext ending the maximum authority to the ‘people’ or general citizens (Nationalism). This underlying concept of liberalism is now practiced in the form of democracy. Today historians believe that if nationalism was not introduced in the early nineteenth century then there were significant chances that the world’s most devastating wars had never erupted. Hence being Captain History I picked up this event to make the world a better place to live today. On my way back to the nineteenth century I will closely analyze the nationalism and thereafter I will identify its precipitating factors. For instance, people in the late eighteenth century were facing immense societal problems and injustice which actually encouraged them to accept nationalism so that every individual could safeguard its rights while practicing power over the disadvantaged groups of the society. Consequently I will establish a global organization in the early nineteenth century in order to protect the rig hts of people while giving equivalent opportunities to every country. The organization will be made on the outline of United Nations Organization with a chief General Secretary who will evaluate and analyze the problems of different nations residing in the same country. Thereafter the secretary would require spreading global peace while removing the concept of nationalism. People in the early nineteenth century were significantly backwards in terms of technological advancements and communication systems. Therefore, it would be highly challenging for me to initiate such a global organization. Hence I would carry some of the most reliable and appropriate technological equipment to the historic period. This would not only help me in establishing a global peace organization but it will also assist the scientists of that period. Eventually the foundation of nationalism shall be removed from the history whereas people in the contemporary world would experience more advanced technology. Ex clusion of nationalism from the nineteenth century will actually guarantee a better future because historic records reveal that nationalism was followed by alliance politics. Mutual defense alliance is the most obvious example which was formed due to the similar nationalism approach among the European countries. As per the agreement between different countries such as Russia and Serbia, Austria and Germany, France and Russia, Britain and Japan,

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